Misamis University Goes to Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand: The College of Arts and Sciences Benchmarking Activity and Faculty Mobility

Misamis University Goes to Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand: The College of Arts and Sciences Benchmarking Activity and Faculty Mobility

The faculty members of Misamis University (MU) College of Arts & Sciences (CAS) were grateful for the warm welcome extended by Kasetsart University (KU) during their first-ever international collaborative visit. On the morning of June 11, 2024, the first day of the benchmarking activity, a courtesy call was attended by the Deans, Vice-Deans, and representative Professors from the Faculty of Science, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Social Sciences, and Department of International Affairs at KU, along with the MU-CAS delegates. During this session, everyone had the opportunity to introduce themselves and share their expectations for the two-day benchmarking activities. It was emphasized that everyone was delighted to finally meet in person and looked forward to a strong collaboration.

Moreover, the two universities shared an enlightening experience through the exchange of invaluable insights on educational practices, innovative teaching methods and strategies, and collaborative research opportunities. The Dean of the Faculty of Science (KU) expressed his appreciation for the onsite visit following several online meetings and the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). To signify the partnership and collaboration between MU and KU, a tree planting ceremony was held in the afternoon at the KU Faculty of Science grounds. This activity symbolized a strong and ever-growing partnership between the two universities.

The first day of benchmarking concluded with a short tour of the Inspiration Center at the Faculty of Science, KU, followed by an interesting food tourism immersion where the MU delegates were introduced to some of the best Thai local dishes.

On the morning of June 13, 2024, the second day of benchmarking, the MU delegates had a Facility Immersion at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, and the Rajanagarindra Institute of Linguistic and Cultural Studies (RILC). The MU delegates were exposed to the informative evolution of Thai agricultural development.

In the afternoon, four lecturers shared their insights and expertise in a diverse range of fields. Three lecturers were from MU: Dean April Farell M. Relacion of the College of Arts and Sciences, Dr. Lloyd B. Ranises, the Officer for Linkage and Networking, and Dr. Nelfa D. Canini, Program Head of BS Biology. The KU counterpart was Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ekaphan Kraichak from the Department of Botany, Faculty of Science. The topics discussed were as follows: "Mindanao, Philippines: Pitfalls, Progress, and Prospects" (Dean Relacion), "Ethnicity and Culture in the Philippines with Emphasis on Subanens and Subanons" (Dr. Ranises), "Ornamental Coral Reef Fish Species from Southern Philippines" (Dr. Canini), and "Climate Change in Terrestrial Ecosystems and What Can a Biologist Do? (Dr. Kraichak). The lectures were attended by staff and students of KU's Faculty of Science. The session concluded with a wrap-up message from Dr. Lloyd B. Ranises, emphasizing the essence of knowledge and cultural exchange.

The first-ever international benchmarking activity and outbound faculty mobility was a remarkable success, enriching MU's international linkages and networking and reinforcing its commitment to internationalization.

The MU delegation included Dean April Farell M. Relacion of the College of Arts and Sciences, Dr. Lloyd B. Ranises (Linkage and Networking Officer), Atty. Anthony L. Awa (Director for Strategic Planning), Jonas T. Hingco (Chair, Department of Natural Sciences), Juby H. Vallejo (Chair, Department of English), Venus S. Velasco (Chair, Department of Physical Education), Kasey Jane B. Buac (Program Head, BS Social Work), Maria Kristina C. Vicente (Program Head, BS Psychology), Dr. Nelfa D. Canini (Program Head, BS Biology), Joicelyn A. Bacus (Faculty, Department of Mathematics), and Hanzen D. Tomatao (Community Extension Representative).

Misamis University Goes to Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand: The College of Arts and Sciences Benchmarking Activity and Faculty Mobility Misamis University Goes to Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand: The College of Arts and Sciences Benchmarking Activity and Faculty Mobility Misamis University Goes to Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand: The College of Arts and Sciences Benchmarking Activity and Faculty Mobility Misamis University Goes to Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand: The College of Arts and Sciences Benchmarking Activity and Faculty Mobility Misamis University Goes to Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand: The College of Arts and Sciences Benchmarking Activity and Faculty Mobility Misamis University Goes to Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand: The College of Arts and Sciences Benchmarking Activity and Faculty Mobility Misamis University Goes to Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand: The College of Arts and Sciences Benchmarking Activity and Faculty Mobility Misamis University Goes to Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand: The College of Arts and Sciences Benchmarking Activity and Faculty Mobility Misamis University Goes to Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand: The College of Arts and Sciences Benchmarking Activity and Faculty Mobility Misamis University Goes to Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand: The College of Arts and Sciences Benchmarking Activity and Faculty Mobility Misamis University Goes to Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand: The College of Arts and Sciences Benchmarking Activity and Faculty Mobility Misamis University Goes to Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand: The College of Arts and Sciences Benchmarking Activity and Faculty Mobility

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