Misamis University Research Center

In today's increasing competitiveness, when the capacity to generate, harness, and utilize knowledge determines the nation’s progress, research has become an essential mandate of Higher Education Institutions. Research forms an integral part of the triad functions of a university in addition to instruction and extension. Research is regarded as the driving force for economic, social, and cultural development since it advances the frontiers of knowledge. It is on this premise that the Misamis University Research Center (MURC) was created to serve as the pillar to carry the research function of the University. It aims to develop the research competencies of its manpower that could spur the needed changes towards the formation of new knowledge and rapid continuing progress in this part of Mindanao.

The management of research should be given importance so that development, conduct, monitoring, and dissemination are in proper perspective to achieve the vision/mission of Misamis University. It is only in the determination in the management of research that its viable role could be fully advanced. The MURC is guided by its procedures manual, which describes the system of operation in implementing the research function of the University, the policies on allocating research resources, and the guidelines for researchers set herein.


The Misamis University Research Center (MURC) envisions in becoming leading research institution where excellence, diversity and relevance coexist in its pursuit for quality education and human life advancement through scientific expansion and technological innovations necessary for sustainable development and global competitiveness.


It is committed to strengthen the research function of Misamis University in enhancing academic excellence and in promoting collaborative research activities that contribute to the local and national agenda of food security, poverty alleviation and rapid economic growth, biodiversity conservation and environmental protection and other development thrusts of the nation.


To promote and conduct relevant and quality research activities that support effective instruction and are responsive to the needs of the community and society;

To develop research competencies among faculty, staff and students of the University through trainings and seminars;

To develop networking capability among Research Units of the University as well as with other research and funding institutions;

To create a database of scientific information in various fields of specialization that is accessible by all members of the community;

To disseminate the research output of the University to all constituents of the community through publications and other means of enhancing public awareness;

To enhance collaborative and participatory research with the various communities of Misamis Occidental in particular;

To seek for external funding agencies in providing financial assistance to the research agenda of the University;

To design and implement an evaluative scheme that could assess the development, conduct, monitoring of research process and dissemination of research output to all sectors of society;

To carry out fund-raising programs that help sustain the research needs of the University and the society; and

To develop and sustain the research culture of Misamis University.

Dr. Russel P. Galindo

University Research Director

Contact Us

Website: www.multidisciplinaryjournal.com

Email: research@mu.edu.ph

Phone: +6388 521 0367 loc 137

Latest News and Updates

University Research Agenda SY 2024-2026

Criteria for Determining Research Priority Areas

Align to the PVMGO and promote the core values of the university

Anchored on the international, national and regional needs and priority areas

Improve the quality of life

Improve the quality of instruction

Availability of funds and adequacy of facilities and other resources

MU Research Agenda for S.Y. 2024-2026

Generating and expanding knowledge needed to advance the quality and equity of the access of higher, quality and inclusive education

AContributing to an efficient, secure, quality, and affordable healthcare system accessible to all members of the community

Ensuring food safety and security

Promoting research on environmental sustainability, strengthening mitigation and adaptation strategies of climate change, and enhancing disaster risk management

Identifying and prioritizing key areas of study to better understand, protect, and manage the Earth's diverse species and ecosystems

MU Research Agenda Framework 2024-2026.

Research Agenda

+   Quality and Equity of Education

  • Research Capability Building
  • Policy -oriented Researches
  • Program/Curricular Studies
  • Research on Quality and Standards
  • Technology and Education
  • Model Building Studies
  • Institutional Development Studies
  • Manpower Demand and Supply Studies
  • Graduate Tracer Studies
  • Evaluation of Instructional Materials
  • Novel/Innovative Teaching Strategies
  • Analyzing Supply and Demand of Teachers
  • Teachers’ Needs Analysis
  • Impact of Improvement Plans to Learning Outcomes
  • Mapping and Analysis of the Integration of Socio-emotional Learning in Classroom Activities/Lessons
  • Effectiveness Analysis on Integration of 21 st Century Skills in Classroom Activities/Lessons
  • Efficiency and Effectiveness of Education Delivery
  • Relationship Between School Leadership, Organizational Climate, and School Culture in Improving School Effectiveness and Student Performance
  • Analysis of Parental Engagement to Support Access and Quality Learning Outcomes
  • Trends in Personalized Learning, Competency-based Education, and Lifelong Learning Opportunities
  • Technology on Language Acquisition and Proficiency
  • Role of Individual Differences in Language Learning
  • Influence of Bilingualism on Cognitive Development
  • Development and Assessment of Language Proficiency Tests
  • Impact of Globalization on the English Language and its Varieties
  • Integration of Marine Engineering with Other Disciplines
  • Role of Accounting Education, Professional Development, and Lifelong Learning

+   Healthcare Access and Promotion

  • Re-Emerging and Emerging Diseases
  • Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs)
  • Diagnostics
  • Diseases of Rapid Urbanization and Industrialization
  • Drug Discovery and Development
  • Health Promotion, Communication and Education
  • Health Literacy
  • Innovative Approaches to Health Promotion and Innovation
  • Health of Indigenous Cultural Communities (ICCs)
  • Geriatric Health
  • Health Service Delivery
  • Health Human Resources
  • Evaluation of Health Systems and Programs
  • Maternal, Child, and Neonatal Health
  • Immunization
  • Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation of Health Systems
  • Environmental Health and Sanitation
  • Mental Health of Children, Adolescents and Students
  • Mental Health in the Workplace
  • Mental Health Promotion
  • Nutrition and Food Safety
  • Addressing All Forms of Malnutrition Across Life Stages
  • Adolescent Sexuality and Reproductive Health
  • Reproductive Health and Rights
  • Sexual Health Education
  • Association Between Oral Health and Systemic Health Conditions
  • Efficacy of Preventive Measures and Interventions in Promoting Oral Health and Preventing Dental Diseases
  • Oral Microbiome and Its Implications for Dental Health and Disease
  • Access to Dental Care and Strategies to Improve Oral Health Equity
  • Role of Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Improving Patient Care and Outcomes in Dentistry

+    Food Safety and Security

  • Chemical and Bacterial Contamination
  • Food Handling Practices
  • Alternative Feeds and Feed Additives
  • High-value Product Development
  • Priority Commodities: Crops Livestock Aquatic Timber
  • Agri-Aqua Technology
  • Market Research
  • Economies of Scale/Collective Farming
  • Agricultural Trade
  • Supply Chain/Value Chain
  • Selection and Production of Superior Genetic Materials
  • Livelihood Opportunities for Upland Communities
  • Upland Farming in Urban Setting
  • Production of Certified Good Quality Seeds and Planting Materials
  • Organic Agriculture
  • Optimization of Nutrient and Water Management
  • Optimization of Integrated Pest and Disease Management
  • Postharvest, Primary Processing and Product Development
  • Off-season Production and Cultivation
  • Crop Improvement through Conventional and New Breeding Techniques
  • Breed Development and Genetic Improvement
  • Vaccine, Biologics, and Diagnostic Development
  • Food Quality and Safety Assurance among the Livestock
  • Disease Control and Anti-Microbial Resistance Management
  • Fish Kill Warning and Mitigation Systems
  • Food Safety in Disaster Management
  • Development of Food Safety Training Modules

+    Environment and Climate Change

  • Physiological and Ecological Studies
  • Control and Management of Risks and Hazards in Water Ecosystems
  • Mitigation and Adaptation Studies of Vulnerable Communities and Ecosystems
  • Smart Farming Approaches and other Climate-Resilient Agricultural Production Technologies
  • Knowledge Management Portal for Information and Resources on Climate Change Adaptation
  • S&T Action Frontline for Emergencies and Hazards (SAFE)
  • Identification/Mapping/Biophysical Profiling of Vulnerable Ecosystems
  • Carbon Neutral Technologies
  • Role of Forestry in Disaster Risk Reduction
  • S&T Community-Based Program for Inclusive Development
  • Science for the Convergence of Agriculture and Tourist
  • Impact Assessment of Mature Technologies
  • Policy Research and Advocacy on Natural Resources/Environment- Related Issues
  • Forecasting and Warning
  • Impact of Extreme Conditions on Marine Structures and Vessels
  • Marine Pollution
  • Marine Environmental Awareness

+    Biodiversity Sustainability

  • Biodiversity Assessment of Terrestrial and Aquatic Systems
  • Conservation, Sustainable Utilization and Management of Endangered, Threatened and Endemic Terrestrial and Aquatic Species
  • Genetic Diversity Conservation and Dynamics in Various Ecosystems
  • Ocean Studies
  • Valuation and Payment for Ecosystem Services of Watersheds
  • Knowledge Management for Enhancing Sciences, Policy and Practices of Watersheds
  • Reef Assessment, Monitoring and Conservation
  • Habitat Management for Fishery and Ecosystem Sustainability
  • Marine Environmental Management (Harmful Algal Blooms, Coastal Integrity/Erosion and Eutrophication)
  • Sustainable Inland and Coastal Watershed Management and Utilization
  • Management and Rehabilitation of Degraded and Polluted Agricultural Soils

+    PreservationCulture and Heritage

  • Impact of Globalization and Modernization on Traditional Cultural Practices and Heritage Preservation

+    Preservation

  • Role of Technology on Safeguarding Heritage
  • Community-based Approaches in Preserving and Promoting Culture and Heritage
  • Impact of Tourism
  • Intersection of Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development
  • Effectiveness of Policies and Legislation in Protecting and Promoting Cultural Heritage
  • Communication, Education and Public Awareness
  • Intercultural Dialogue and Peacebuilding Initiatives

+    Gender Equality andInclusivity

  • Integration of Gender and Development (GAD) in Programs/Projects
  • Impact of Cultural Norms, Traditions, and Societal Expectations and
  • Challenges Faced by Marginalized and Vulnerable groups Within the Gender Equality Movement
  • Impact of Gender Stereotypes and Biases on Decision-making Processes, Leadership Opportunities, and Career Advancement
  • Role of men and women in Promoting Gender Equality and Inclusivity

+    Secure and Peaceful Communities

  • Effectiveness of Different Types of Crime Prevention Strategies
  • Impact of Technological Advancements (e.g. AI, Predictive Analytics, Surveillance Technologies) on Crime Detection, Investigation, and Prevention Effort
  • Root Causes of Conflict and Violence Within Communities
  • Impact of Socioeconomic Inequalities, Political Instability, and Environmental Factors on Community Security and Peacebuilding Efforts
  • Role of Community Policing, Restorative Justice, and Conflict Resolution Programs
  • Effectiveness of Early Warning Systems, Peacebuilding Initiatives, and Conflict Mediation Mechanisms in Reducing Tensions and Promoting Dialogue Within Communities
  • Role of Technology and Social Media in Promoting Community Safety
  • Impact of Displacement and Migration
  • Role of Education, Community Engagement, and Youth Empowerment Programs
  • Security Challenges and Opportunities in Maritime Cybersecurity
  • Impact of International Maritime Regulations and Conventions on Shipping Operations, Environmental Protection, and Safety Standards

+    Socio-economic and Well-being

  • Supply/Value Chain Development of Selected Agri-Aqua Industries and other Agri-business-Related Initiatives
  • Generation Agri-Aqua Technology Business Incubators
  • Agriculture and Resource Economics Studies
  • Agricultural Trade
  • Supply Chain/Value Cain Standards and Regulations
  • Rural Sociology Studies
  • Public Engagement in Communicating Resources R&D
  • Financial Stability
  • Strategies for Enhancing Educational Opportunities for Marginalized Populations
  • Individuals' Access to Safe and Stable Housing
  • Impact of Social Support Networks, Community Resources, and Government Assistance Programs
  • Strategies for Building Resilience and Adaptation in Vulnerable Communities
  • Financial Literacy
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Asses-Building Programs
  • Efficacy of Different Social Work Interventions on Individual and Community Well-being
  • Impact of Social Determinants of Health on Marginalized Populations
  • Effectiveness of Community Development Strategies in Promoting Social Change and Empowerment
  • Intersection of Social Work and Environmental Sustainability
  • Integration of Technology in Social Work Practice and Community Development
  • Role of Community Partnerships and Collaboration in Social Work Practice
  • Ethical Considerations and Dilemmas
  • Socio-economic Benefits and Challenges of Maritime Connectivity and Digitalization in Global Trade and Supply Chain Management
  • Human Factors and Crew Well-being in the Maritime Industry
  • Psychological Effects of Traumatic Events
  • Psychology of Decision-making
  • Positive Psychology in Enhancing Resilience, Happiness, and Overall Well-being
  • Psychology of Relationships
  • Stress Reduction
  • Cognitive Functioning
  • Sociology and Education
  • Effectiveness of Various Management Strategies and Techniques
  • Impact of Digital Technologies on Business Operations and Decision Making
  • Role of Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability Practices, and Ethical Leadership
  • Dynamics of Marketing Strategies, Consumer Behavior, and Branding
  • Trends in Travel, Accommodation, Dining, and Entertainment Choices
  • Impact of Technology on Hospitality Operations
  • Competitiveness and Customer Loyalty
  • Hospitality Management
  • Impact of Crisis on Hospitality Operations and Consumers Trust
  • Role of Human Resource Management
  • Dynamics of Revenue Management Strategies, Pricing Policies, and Digital Marketing Techniques
  • Experiential Travel, Wellness Tourism, and Food Tourism
  • Accounting Standards, Regulations, and Policies
  • Implications of Digital Technologies on Accounting Processes, Auditing Procedures, and Fraud Detection Mechanisms
  • Factors Influencing the Adoption of Sustainability Accounting
  • Relationship Between Accounting Practices, Firm Performance, and Market Valuation
  • Challenges and Opportunities for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Accounting Profession

+    Strengthen Innovation Culture

  • Development of Energy Storage Device
  • Hybrid Capacitors
  • Mobile Energy Source
  • Design and Integration of Fuel Stack
  • Fabrication and Testing of Single Cell, Fuel Cell, Electrolyzer, Metal-Air Battery
  • Nanotechnology
  • Role of Technology and Social Media in Promoting Community Safety
  • Impact of Displacement and Migration
  • Role of Education, Community Engagement, and Youth Empowerment Programs
  • Security Challenges and Opportunities in Maritime Cybersecurity
  • Impact of International Maritime Regulations and Conventions on Shipping Operations, Environmental Protection, and Safety Standards

Externally Funded Researches

Management Effectiveness and Impact of the Locally Managed Marine Protected Areas in Zamboanga Peninsula: Basis for Management Enhancement and Policy Recommendations.

The Misamis University Research Center acquired a substantial 5 Million Research Grant from the Philippine Department of Science and Technology-Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development (DOST-PCAARRD) for the pivotal study titled “Management Effectiveness and Impact of the Locally Managed Marine Protected Areas in Zamboanga Peninsula: Basis for Management Enhancement and Policy Recommendations.” This study is a 2-year research project that is conducted among the five locally managed Marine Protected Areas in the Zamboanga Peninsula. These MPAs were chosen from different provinces based on size, particularly those with the biggest core area, particularly in Tukuran, Zamboanga del Sur; Margosatubig, Zamboanga del Sur; Naga, Zamboanga Sibugay; Sibutad, Zamboanga del Norte; and Jimenez, Misamis Occidental.

By assessing the management effectiveness of the MPAs being implemented by different Local Government Units, the study can develop a range of management effectiveness measures, with the highest-performing LGU serving as a benchmark in improving the management of other MPAs. The project commenced in May 2024 and is expected to end in April 2026.

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Membership in National and International Research Consortia

Misamis University secured membership in international, national, and regional research consortia, namely the Asia Pacific Consortium of Researchers and Educators (APCORE), the Regional Research, Development, and Innovation Committee (RRDIC), the Northern Mindanao Consortium for Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology Research and Development (NorMinCIEERD), and the Northern Mindanao Consortium for Health Research and Development (NorMinCoHRD).

Misamis University secured membership in international, national, and regional research consortia

Research Committees

Misamis University Research Center

Dr. Russel P. Galindo

Dr. Russel P. Galindo

University Research Director
Robelyn Jane D. Tabil

Robelyn Jane D. Tabil, MBA

Research Staff
Dr. Yunalyn L. Villantes

Dr. Yunalyn L. Villantes

University Research Coordinator
Dr. Genelyn R. Baluyos

Dr. Genelyn R. Baluyos

University Research Statistician
Dr. Joicelyn A. Bacus

Mrs. Joicelyn A. Bacus

University Research Statistician

Research Coordinators

Hansen Tomatao

Hanzen D. Tomatao

Research Coordinator, College of Arts and Sciences
Dr. Oliver Talip

Dr. Oliver S. Talip

Research Coordinator, College of Agriculture and Forestry
Mr. Arniel M. Elmedulan, Jr.

Mr. Arniel M. Elmedulan, Jr.

Research Coordinator, College of Business and Management
Dr. Roseclaremath A. Caroro

Dr. Roseclaremath A. Caroro

Research Coordinator, College of Computer Studies
Ms. Elma Fe E. Gupit

Ms. Elma Fe E. Gupit

Research Coordinator, College of Criminology
Dr. Myles L. Pusod

Dr. Myles L. Pusod

Research Coordinator, College of Dentistry
Dr. Genelyn R. Baluyos

Dr. Genelyn R. Baluyos

Research Coordinator, College of Education
Engr. Murphy T. Saumat

Engr. Murphy T. Saumat

Research Coordinator, College of Engineering and Technology
Engr. Illuminado P. Baquial

Engr. Illuminado P. Baquial

Research Coordinator, College of Maritime
Mr. Karl Maxel O. Lao

Mr. Karl Maxel O. Lao

Research Coordinator, College of Medical Technology
Dr. Merasol O. Duyag

Dr. Merasol O. Duyag

Research Coordinator, College of Nursing, Midwifery and Radiologic Technology
Dr. Haydee D. Villanueva

Dr. Haydee D. Villanueva

Research Coordinator, Graduate School
Jerie M. Jakosalem Jr.

Jerie M. Jakosalem Jr.

Research Coordinator, Department of Basic Education

Last Updated: September 11, 2024

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