University Seal and Core Values

misamis university certification

iso certified

The Seal symbolizes the vision mission of the University in the development of a total man.

The year 1929 represents the year the institution was founded and started to give education to the youth. The BOOK represents the knowledge imparted to the students. The LAURELS symbolizes the honor and success of the institution in rendering good services in the field of education. The TORCH represents the high degree of excellence that students should aim. It symbolizes the members of the family, staff, administration and the Board of Trustees for their undying support in guiding the students to the right way in attaining the goals and dreams. The GEAR surrounding the seal is the movement and development of the school towards the goal of proper education and prosperity to life. The GOLDEN YELLOW and WHITE COLOR represent the university color which symbolizes innocence, purity, reverence and humility.


Misamis University upholds the following core values that promote and shape its mission:

I – Innovation (Innovative)

Innovation is the ability of an individual to generate new ideas or create novel solutions to problems. It involves a mindset of curiosity, creativity, and a willingness to take risks and experiment.

C – Compassion (Compassionate)

Compassion is related to being humane, kind, and sensitive towards those who are vulnerable or need assistance and treating others with respect, dignity, and empathy, working towards a more just and equitable world.

A - Adaptability (Adaptable)

Is the ability to adjust to new or changing circumstances, environments, or situations. It involves being flexible, resilient, and open to learning and new approaches.

R – Responsibility (Responsible)

Responsibility is the duty of having authority or control over something or someone and being accountable for the outcome of what comes from it and includes the ability to make decisions and willingness to support and defend their decisions, particularly when assigned a task that fosters engagement, encourages creativity, and enhances job fulfillment.

E – Excellence (Excellent)

Excellence is achieving success and becoming the best in everything that one does, and this involves dedication, hard work, creativity, innovativeness, and willingness to achieve the highest standards through one’s approach, operations, and collaborations.

“I am an MU student and I CARE.”
“I am an MU employee and I CARE.”

Last Updated: 08/08/2023

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