Electronic Resource Section: Laboratory Rules and Regulations
The University Library Electronic Resource Section (ERS) laboratory facility is setup and solely intended to facilitate and support the academic computing needs of Misamis University faculty, staff and students in teaching and studying through the provisions of having up-to-date and efficient electronic resource materials.
These regulations are given to ensure access, provide safety, convenience, and security for all. All users (students, faculty, and staff) are expected to be responsible for their own behavior while using the computer system of the ERS, including the Internet, just as they are anywhere else in the university campus. Users are reminded that their actions may represent the entire university community. These include materials or sites they chose to access, language they used, ideas they expressed, and other actions which are detrimental to themselves and the school. Failure to comply with the UL-ERS rules and regulations will result in loss of user´s privileges, and other actions appropriated under the MU Discipline Policy.
- All computers in the ERS are for academic, instructional and research purposes ONLY. Using the school´s equipment/software for commercial gain is strictly prohibited and will be subjected to disciplinary actions.
- All users are required to sign-in using their complete name, course & year, and I.D. number in the ERS Logbook
- All users are entitled for a 60-minute daily free usage. Users may request for an extension of time allocated, provided that, no reservation was made by other users to use the computer.
- All users are responsible for the safety of their own possessions and belongings. The Library shall not be held accountable for any items lost or stolen.
- All foods and beverages, including bottled water are are strictly not allowed inside the ERS.
- All cell phones/gadgets should be muted. Group meetings/discussions are not allowed.
- All users are permitted to save files to local hard drive at their own risk. The ERS lab is not responsible if any files are lost, stolen, or deleted. Users are encouraged to back up their files by using their own USB memory sticks; If needed, users may request assistance from the library staff.
- All users are allowed to print research materials and assignments upon payment of the required amount at the MU-Accounting office and present the official receipt (OR) to the Library Staff in-charge for the document printing.
- All users are prohibited from installing software on any computer in the ERS lab. Inform the ERS in-charge, in case additional software is needed to complete the research / academic task.
- In case of computer malfunctions, users MUST immediately notify the ERS in-charge. Users will be given assistance, guidance, and basic troubleshooting help with technical problems related to their assignment and academic tasks.
- It is the responsibility of every user to ensure that the ERS equipment is not being abused, damaged, or used in a manner other than what it is intended for. All abuse will be immediately reported to the University Library Director and disciplinary actions will be imposed as appropriate.