The College Liberal Arts programs (AB English, Economics, History, Journalism and Political Science), along with the Education, Commerce and Law courses, were among the first courses offered by the Misamis Institute (renamed Misamis College in 1955 and renamed Misamis University in 1977). The Liberal Arts programs and the other first courses offered by the then Misamis institute gained full government recognition in 1953.
The college Basic Sciences programs (BS Biology, Zoology, Mathematics and Psychology) were granted government recognition in 1985. The BS in Social work and BS in Community Development programs gained recognition in 1976.
In 2001, the College of Social Work and Community Development (SW/CD) was merged to the College of Arts and Sciences and became the seventh department of the college along with the other six departments: i.e. English, Filipino, Social Sciences, Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Physical Education departments.
The Misamis University College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) as it moves onward in its quest for quality education had successfully undertaken the following:
In July 12-14, 2004 the college submitted for another PACU-COA accreditation visit for its Liberal Arts Programs from which the college had gained Level II First Reaccredited Status as per certification issued by PACU-COA dated August 2, 2004, to expire on August 2009.
The July 12-14, 2004 PACU-COA visit included Consultancy Visit of the college Basic Sciences programs (BS Biology, BS Zoology, BS Psychology and BS Mathematics.). These basic Sciences programs will undergo Preliminary Visit in the year 2007.
The college also takes pride in the inclusion of Misamis University in the Second Batch List of Deregulated Higher Education Institutions. The deregulation was by virtue of CHED Memorandum Order No. 21, s. 2004 issued in July 13, 2004 per Commission En Banc (CEB) Resolution No. 213-2004 dated May 3, 2004.
Furthermore, in its pursuit of quality education in this part of Northern Mindanao, Misamis University underwent a voluntary Det Norske Veritas (DnV) Certification for international standards based on ISO 9001:2000 version for all academic programs.
On April 28, 2005, the Misamis University was granted Det Norske Veritas (DnV) Management System Certificate No. 2373-2005-AQ-SIN-RVA. The certification indicated the management system of Misamis University‘s fourteen (14) colleges, including the College of Arts & Sciences conform to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
In preparation for the accreditation of its Basic Sciences Programs many developments have been made including the construction of a multi-million Science Building in 2004 where the Natural Sciences Biology and Chemistry Departments are placed.
In 2007, the college was granted Level II Second Re-Accredited Status, with the high favorable and high rating in this Visit, the College was granted opportunity to apply for a fast track Level III Re-accreditation Visit. CAS undergone such visit in November 2009 and was granted Level III Re-accredited Status.
Bachelor of Library InformationScience (BLIS) (formerly BSEd Library Science) is now under CAS. The curriculum took effect in SY 2009-2010.