Total Human Development
The College of Nursing aim to produce graduates who are caring, competent, committed, compassionate and globally competitive through broad liberal education and multidisciplinary approach.
The Misamis University BSN curriculum aims to produce a nurse who:
- Assumes a caring role in the prevention of diseases, promotion and restoration of health alleviation of suffering and when recovery is not possible, towards a peaceful death.
- Possess a creative and critical thinking mind and who keeps abreast with local needs and the demands of global competitiveness.
- Demonstrates professional competencies and assumes responsibility for personal and professional development.
- Maintains his national identity, cultural consciousness, moral integrity and spirituality
The School of Midwifery aims to produce graduates who:
- Possess the knowledge, attitudes and skills of first level midwives in the care of the infant, child, adolescent, and women in their reproductive age prior to, during, and following pregnancy.
- Promote primary health care services within the community.
- Counsel and educate, women, family, and community regarding family planning including preparation for parenthood.
- Demonstrate competence in detecting abnormal conditions in the mother and infant.
- Make decisions when to procure specialized assistance as in consultation and referrals.
Values :
- Discipline, loyalty, integrity and honesty..